Business League Individual Entry 2019
Competition details
Venue : 443 East Tamaki Road, East Tamaki
When: Tuesdays 7 Pm from 10th September 2019
Duration: 9 - 10 weeks
Format : 4 players any gender mix, doubles
Cost : $10/player or $40/team/night
Sections: Division 1 : A/B/C Grades Division 2: C/D Grade
Closing date: 31st Aug 2019 or when entry limit is reached
Entry accepted with 2 week payment of $20
payment refunded in case you donot make a team
Bank Account: 02 1256 0111681 01
Player Full Name
Phone Numbers
E mail address
My grade/Level
Proposed Division
Division 1
Division 2
Div 1 or Div 2
Entry Payment details of $20
I have already paid to the proshop
I have paid by dc and put my team name as reference
I will pay to proshop or by dc within 1 week before closing date.
Any comments or remarks
Terms and Conditions
I agree to follow the tournament rules as published on the website