All Stars Doubles 2019
Dates: 7th September 2019
Day & Time : Saturday 9AM
Venue: NZ Badminton Centre, 443 East Tamaki Road, East Tamaki
Format: Any gender combination in 2 divisions. Divion 1 : A B Grades, Division 2: C D Grades, draw format will be determined based on the number of entries
Closing date: 30th Aug 19 or when limit is reached
Payment details: Bank Acc 02-1256-0111681-001, Ref: All Stars doubles, Name
More Info: Entries accepted with payment only, Player must find suitable replacement in case of absense.
Player 1
Phone Number:
Player 2
Phone Number:
E mail:
Division 1: A B Grade
Division 2 C D Grade
Payment details $40
I have already paid by direct credit
I am paying at the office/proshop before the closing date
I undertand and agree to the tournament rules